English 101 – How Hard Can It Be?

It’s rant time here at Crone and Bear It…English words rant time…Common words we all use and should be able to pronounce properly rant time.

Here in my neck of the woods of Ohio there are at least 3 local television stations.  Each one broadcasts the local news in the early evening and again late at night.  Each one has a staff of folks who regularly forecast the weather. And yet, rarely can any of them correctly pronounce the name of the discipline associated with weather, the atmosphere and climate.   These professionals are called METEORologists not METERologists.  If you call yourself a METERologist you had best be prepared to read meters not forecast the weather.  Those who study, forecast, and report on related weather topics are known as  METEORologists…METEOR as in those fiery things that streak across the night sky and land in the desert…not METERS as in those round objects slapped onto the frame of your house with constantly spinning dials the electric company uses to measure how much electricity you use on a regular basis.   Nor are these people called Metrologists.  Metrologists study the science of weights and measures.  Nor are these people called Metallurgists.  Metallurgists work with metals, extracting them from ores and also studying their properties in bulk and at the atomic level.

Once again:  Those who specialize in weather forecasting, the atmosphere, and climate are known as METEOROLOGISTS.

Gahhhh.  Rant over.  Thank you for your attention.