Monday,Monday…Can’t Trust That Day


I just learned that a stupid Monday can be experienced by those of us who are retired.  Bad days aren’t simply reserved for those who live in cubicles.

I was feeling a bit puny on this Monday morning — Sunday evening I had received a nasty comment from a blogger – in fact it was actually the very first totally insulting comment in almost two years – it was so upsetting to me that after I answered him; twenty minutes later I went back and simply deleted the entire comment and reply.  This cretin compared my youthful indiscretions (my 20 Rules I had Broken posting)  to that of Squeaky Fromme.  Ya’ll remember her…some years ago she tried to shoot President Gerald Ford.  Yeah – compare me to her, you old dirtbag, you.  That comment actually upset me to tears (probably lack of estrogen, I know) and I decided it was time to retire Crone and Bear It. If I couldn’t handle one stupid person, it was time to quit writing.

But then, if I retire this blog – what are my 5 loyal readers going to do for laughs?  And with whom will I be able to share the antics of the amazing Golden Destroyer EmmaLou (who btw just tried to steal my chicken sandwich the little scamp; she did get the tomato but I didn’t want that anyway and I managed to rescue the rest of the sandwich).

So let’s go back to my Monday morning.  Started out bad, I was in too puny a mood to even play a rousing game of SmartAss w/my Twitterites.  I decided what I really needed to feel better and perk up my flagging spirits was some good old fashioned retail therapy.  So off to the mall I went.  I was thankful that I was able to walk today – what a blessing that was!  I find counting my blessings also helps improve my mood, but I’m digressing.

First stop  — ATM machine for some cash.  I tried 3 times to get my ATM card in that stupid machine but it kept spitting it out.  Then I actually LOOKED at the card and realized I had my husband’s Radio Shack credit card, not my ATM card.  In my defense, the two cards do look alike.  Duh.  I finally got some cash and headed to the mall.

Next into Radio Shack I went with Devoted Spouse’s credit card in hand, not my ATM card.  It was time to pick up some batteries for his hearing aid and I needed to order camera batteries.  My camera batteries die a horrible death after only two charges and I’m racking up the bills buying more and more batteries – maybe I need a different camera.  But I’m getting off the subject again.  The Radio Shack guy nicely rung up the hearing aid batteries but said he would have to go online to order my camera batteries.  Okay – I don’t mind; I’ll wait.  He went back to the office and  a few minutes later came back out to announce it would have to wait awhile because they use DIAL-UP service for their computers there at Radio Shack and it wasn’t working right.  Radio Shack uses DIAL-UP service?  I was flabbergasted.  I told him keep the battery and keep trying and I would go do some more shopping.

Next to Franklin Covey to get my refill for my day planner.  I’ve always liked Franklin Covey; they have nice employees, clean stores, a good stock of what I need and they always offer a discount on their products for military people.  Until today.  Today I was told rather curtly that the discount is now offered only to Active Duty military.  I told the young man I considered that a slap in the face as my husband had given 26 years to his country, and by extension since I was with him as he was yanked all over the world, I served also.  If you are going to give a military discount, give it to ALL military, active and retired and reserves.  He didn’t care.  I took the business card of the store manager to whom I will shortly be sending a nice, polite email explaining my displeasure over this new policy.  I will  no doubt follow that up with a letter to the Corporate Headquarters telling them why I may not be doing business with Franklin Covey anymore and how I plan to tell ALL my military friends about this sudden change in policy.  Don’t mess with a lady who is having a bad Monday.

I figured Radio Shack still wasn’t ready for  me so I went to the Food Court for a diet Pepsi and some peace and quiet.  I was given a real Pepsi, said the heck with it and drank it anyway.  The peace and quiet were not to be had – I was sitting directly across from the “We’re Renovating!”  Chick-fil-A store and boy were they ever renovating.  I decided I needed the serenity of a soft pretzel to go with my high-sugary Pepsi – so I bought a pretzel and moved to the farthest corner of the Food Court.  I was so far away that I was in danger of being hit by the grease sputtering from the Chinese Wok joint.

Ditching half the pretzel and managing to spill the remains of the not-diet Pepsi down the front of my nice blue Oxford shirt, I headed off in search of something — anything good that would make me happy.  I found Yankee Candle.

Now I don’t often frequent Yankee Candle – they’re expensive and I tend to only pick up the little teeny ones that go in the containers that you put the tea candle underneath – you know what I’m talking about.  But today they had a nice sale buy one full size, get the second half off.  So I bought two full size candles – one Sun and Sand (takes me right to the  beach) and one Country Breeze (which reminds me of sitting outside on the breezeway of my grandma’s house).  Then I picked up some of the car fresheners coz they were half off, too.  And after sniffing all those candles, my spirits perked right up and darnitall I did feel better.

So I stopped at the local grocery for ingredients to make a limeade pie (courtesy of Smart Mouth Broad) – okay this is my second attempt at this pie; the first I made last night and it was a bit soupy.  And as I finish writing this posting, I’m off to the kitchen to have some limeade pie fun!

Ooooh – the pie actually turned out not so bad – I licked the bowl and it was dang good!  Wish I could eat it – Devoted Spouse is in for a real treat with this pie – thanks Smart Mouth Broad – you were right, I used too much limeade the first time.  Duh.

It’s not such a bad Monday after all.