It’s That Time of Year

Today my husband hurt his back.  He was just walking from our mailbox to our front door.  His injury was caused by the thousands of pounds of junk mail – you know the ones – “Please Donate to Our Cause” — and there’s usually some type of sad picture on the envelope.  Today the Humane Society sent me two dog and cat ornaments for my Christmas tree — they’re so thoughtful.  Last week I received my “free holiday labels” from them.  The week before they sent me my “free tee-shirt”.  And just yesterday I found holiday note cards in my Humane Society envelope.  Those folks sure are generous with my donation money — they buy trinkets and goodies galore.  I wonder how many animals they can afford to help when so much of my money goes to labels for everyone else.  I don’t know if the Humane Society will get a donation from me this year.  I’m running out of storage.  So, Humane Society:  stop sending me labels, tee-shirts, and coffee cups with my name on them.  If you truly want me to open my checkbook, send me something I need.   How about a plasma tv?